Rezeptideen, Tipps & Tricks in Ihrem Posteingang
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Wash the plums, drain it well, cut them in half’s, pit it and quarter them. Puree the half of the lemon juice with the blender, put the plum-pieces in the cooking pot and mix it well with the jam sugar. Cover it and let it for few hours (even provide over night) cooling. Then add the spices, and bring it to boil while stirring. Let it 8-10 minutes sparkling boil. Make gelling trail. Remove the pot from the heat, remove the spices and fill it in the prepared jars.
Plum jam is suitable for the preparation of plum Ice cream: 200 g vanilla ice cream a little let them thaw, stir until smooth and with 150 g plum jam and 2-3 drops of rum flavoring well stir. Fill it into a transparent film with designed glass bowl and freeze it about 2 hours. Then fall, remove foil, cut the ice into slices and garnish it with whipped cream.
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