Rezeptideen, Tipps & Tricks in Ihrem Posteingang
Mit dem Wiener Zucker Newsletter
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• 1 pineapple
• 1 kg jelly sugar 1: 1
• 200 ml coconut cream
• 200 ml freshly squeezed orange juice
• 1 organic lemon
• 1 shot coconut liqueur
• 1 shot rum
• 50 grams of coconut flakes
Peel the pineapple, remove the stalk, dice the pulp and weigh 400 g. Puree the pineapple and mix with jam sugar. (If you want the jam even finer, you can additionally put it through a sieve) Remove from the lemon the peel and squeeze out the juice. Add 200 ml orange juice and the lemon juice, coconut cream and lemon zest to the mass. Boil while stirring and cook for 4 minutes. Add the coconut liqueur and rum and the coconut flakes and cook briefly. Immediately fill the jam into prepared glasses.
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