Rezeptideen, Tipps & Tricks in Ihrem Posteingang
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Cut the peeled peaches, pit them, cut the peaches in small pieces, put the absorbed juice to them. Drizzle the juice from the laundered, quartered and pitted lemon over it and mix it with the organic gelling sugar. Then let it drawn or ½ hours.
Let boil the fruit mixture once and then puree it with the blender. Put the quartered lemon to the fruit mixture and let it sparkling boil till 6 minutes. Put it out and do the leafed lavender flowers stirring in the mixture. Let it one more time boil, bottling, and put the jars for 10 minutes on its head.
Production tip:
Wiener Organic Jam Sugar 2:1
The perfect mixture for ripe organic-fruits is Wiener Organic Jam Sugar 2:1. Bio Beet sugar and gelling agent pectin guarantee optimal gelling power. Process the fruits in simple ratio 2:1 Wiener Organic jam sugar
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